Knime user training manual

KNIME Documentation. Read or download documentation for KNIME Software. Connect. News; Blog; Events; Forum; KNIME Hub; Software. KNIME Analytics PlatformMissing: user training manual. The KNIME User and Reporting Training at the KNIME Office in Zurich, Switzerland, is an ideal opportunity for beginners, advanced users or KNIME Experts to get an introduction to KNIME, to learn how to use it more effectively, and how to create comprehensive reports. When the KNIME Server administrator defines the users that have access to the KNIME Server, the users are assigned to groups. Groups can be defined as needed — for example one group per department, or per research group, etc. Each user must be in at least one group, and could be in many groups.

1. Day 4: KNIME Tutorial George Papadatos, PhD Francis Atkinson, PhD ChEMBL group. 2. Outline • Introducon to KNIME • Basic components • Desktop, nodes, dialogs, workflows • Exercise • Compound selecon for focused screening • Read chemical data • Calculate properes • Apply drug-­‐ and lead-­‐ likeness filters. is hosting a one-day Training Course at the Computer History Museum, North Shoreline Boulevard, Mountain View, CA USA (map), on Janu. This one-day hands-on training course in the Bay Area aims at giving an overview of how to use KNIME and of what KNIME can do for your data analytics needs. Own laptops will be required for the hands-on parts of the training course. A. Exercise 4 for KNIME User Training - Training a Decision Tree to predict a nominal target column - Evaluate the model performance using scoring metrics for a classification model and an ROC Curve - Train a linear regression model to predict a numeric target column - Evaluate the performance of the regression model - Cluster data based on latitude and longitude - Visualize clusters in a scatter.

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