General Safety rules to be followed in Fluid Mechanics Lab: 1. Always wear shoes before entering lab. 2. Do not touch anything without the permission of instructor/lab assistant. 3. Read carefully the lab manual before performing experiments. 4. Check electrical connections before starting the equipment. 5. The applied fluid mechanics laboratory course is designed to enhance civil engineering students’ understanding and knowledge of experimental methods and the basic principle of fluid mechanics and apply those concepts in practice. The lab manual provides students with an overview of ten different fluid mechanics laboratory. · The purpose of this manual is to make it easy for students to perform simple experiments in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer. The manual presents detailed descriptions of experiments. The arrangement and organization provide a convenient means of giving instruction on handling the equipments.
1) Carefully kept some level of fluid in inlet and outlet supply tank. 2) When fluid is flowing there is fluctuation in the height of piezometer tubes, note the mean position carefully. Observations S ize o f th e sump tan k = 1 x x (height) m 3 Size of the m easuring ta n k = x x (h eigh t) m 3 W idth o f ch a n ne l = m. This lab manual is the basic laboratory procedure of fluid movement in pipes and open channel. This Lab will implement an active learning laboratory environment to assess students’ understanding and while covering experiments of pipe and open channel flow. The applied fluid mechanics laboratory course is designed to enhance civil engineering students’ understanding and knowledge of experimental methods and the basic principle of fluid mechanics and apply those concepts in practice. The lab manual provides students with an overview of ten different fluid mechanics laboratory.
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. PROGRAM OUTCOMES Analyze a variety of practical fluid flow, measuring devices and utilize. Experiment No. FRICTION FACTOR. Aim. To find the friction factor for the given pipes of different sizes and materials in different. The aim of laboratory manual at the end of chapters is to teach the students, how to conduct experiments in fluid mechanics. It provides the step-wise.