Picomag is the economical magmeter for many applications in secondary circuits with conductive liquids in all industries. End customers, skid builders, equipment manufacturers and system integrators value the space-saving Picomag for its flexible installation capabilities. Additionally, its future-oriented, intuitive operation via SmartBlue app on every Bluetooth-enabled smartphone . Promag P is dedicated to chemical and process applications with corrosive liquids and high medium temperatures. With genuine loop-powered technology, Promag P enables cost-effective and seamless integration into existing infrastructures. It offers highest operational safety in hazardous areas thanks to its intrinsically safe design (Ex ia). promag 33 Electromagnetic Flow Measuring System Operating Manual Endress+Hauser Nothing beats know-how BA D/06/en/ No. CV Valid as of software version.
Continuous meter health monitoring + Documented periodic NIST traceable verification Comments: Please complete one sheet per flow meter. For assistance with your specific GHG flow meter assessment contact: Endress+Hauser Hotline: or contact your local Endress+Hauser representative. Proven flow measuring technology for all electrically conductive liquids in every industry. Electromagnetic flowmeters have been used throughout industries for more than 60 years. These meters are applicable for all conductive liquids, such as water, acids, alkalis, slurries and many others. Typical applications are monitoring of liquids. Safety instructions Proline Promag 53 4 Endress+Hauser 1 Safety instructions Designated use The measuring device described in this Operating Manual is to be used only for measuring the flow rate of conductive fluids in closed pipes. A minimum conductivity of 20 μS/cm is required for measurin g demineralized water. Most.
The flowmeter with integrated web server and a sensor with EN ISO Endress+Hauser can be contacted to provide support in performing this task. Find the Endress Hauser 33A at our website: Click HERE Electromagnetic Flow. Measuring System meter can be optimally equipped and modified. Troubleshooting; Troubleshooting Instructions - Endress+Hauser Proline Promag 50 Operating Instructions Manual. Electromagnetic flowmeter. Show thumbs.