Model "R" Cub: Your Cushman nameplate may identify your engine as a Cushman Cub, Bean Special, Farm Master, or Massey Harris. Horsepower will be from /2 to 4HP or from R-2 to R Although many parts interchange there are variations in flywheels, pistons, and heads, but we have the experience to ask you questions that will help you order. This is a Flywheel for an old Cushman Cub 2 H.P. Stationary/ Farm Engine. It is in good USED condition. This is a part that is pretty tough to locate. In any CONDITION. The starting crank handle is some what worn in the pin area you may want to knock the pin out of it cut a new piece of pipe to match for a new handle. The Cushman "R" Cub Engine Operators Manual fits the Cushman all. Always in stock so you can get it fast. Also available as a pdf download. Jensales offers the finest in Manuals, Parts, and Decals. Keywords: CU-O-R{}, CU-O-R, Cushman all, Cushman "R" Cub Engine Operators Manual, Cushman Created Date: 1/16/ PM.
This is a Flywheel for an old Cushman Cub 2 H.P. Stationary/ Farm Engine. It is in good USED condition. This is a part that is pretty tough to locate. In any CONDITION. The starting crank handle is some what worn in the pin area you may want to knock the pin out of it cut a new piece of pipe to match for a new handle. Cushman "R" Cub Engine Operators Manual. Cushman Operators ManualWhen this Cushman Equipment was new, the dealer would have given you the Ope.. $ Cushman Cub Model "R" Engines Instructions and Repair Book: Manufacturer: Cushman Motor Works - Lincoln, NE: Publication Type: Engines: Pages: Publication Date: Submitted By: Keith Rucker: Submission Date: 06/11/
CushmanThis page Service Manual is for Cushman Executive Model , Titan Models to , Off-Road Vehicles. It has wear and staining. Cushman Parts Manual Haulster Turf-Trucktr Liquid Cooled Engine Rev. 2 2 HP Cushman Cub Hit Miss Flywheel Gas Stationary Engine Good running. Here are the current Cushman manuals and literature listings. Club Car Golf carts FACTORY Parts SERVICE SHOP MAINTENANCE MANUAL. $