Colorado secretary of state campaign finance manual

 · According to the Secretary of State’s Campaign Finance Manual, “Colorado law defines an issue committee as any person, other than a natural person, or any group of two or more persons, including natural persons, that has a major purpose of supporting or opposing any ballot issue or ballot question; and accepted or made contributions or.  · Colorado Campaign and Political Finance Manual 2 | P a g e Using the Campaign and Political Finance (CPF) Manual This manual provides guidelines and helpful tips for compliance with the law. It is also a useful guide for conducting research. General*. $ State Treasurer. Primary*. $ General*. $ * All candidates may accept contributions for the primary and general election. Colorado law recognizes the Governor and Lt. Governor as one committee and the contribution and spending .

General*. $ State Treasurer. Primary*. $ General*. $ * All candidates may accept contributions for the primary and general election. Colorado law recognizes the Governor and Lt. Governor as one committee and the contribution and spending limits for governor apply to the joint committee. According to the Secretary of State’s Campaign Finance Manual, “Colorado law defines an issue committee as any person, other than a natural person, or any group of two or more persons, including natural persons, that has a major purpose of supporting or opposing any ballot issue or ballot question; and accepted or made contributions or. Call with any questions. Programs services. Administrative rules of state agencies. Bingo and raffles licensing. Businesses, trademarks, trade names. Campaign finance. Charities and fundraisers. Durable medical equipment suppliers. Elections voting.

The presidential election may have wrapped up just a few months ago, but candidates are already gearing up for the election season. 16 de set. de Chapter , Florida Statutes, regulates campaign financing for all candidates, including judicial candidates, political committees. This manual may also refer to the Colorado Constitution as the Constitution or Article XXVIII (also known as. Amendment 27) and Title 1 Article 45 of the.


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