cfgadm –s match=match_type,select=attr1(value1) where match_type can be either exact or partial. The default value is exact. Arguments to the select sub-option can be quoted to protect them from the shell. A field_spec is one or more data-fields concatenated using colon (:), as in Missing: manual page. The Fibre Channel device is reported to have 4 FCP SCSI LUNs and they are all configured. 4 FCP SCSI LUN level ap_ids associated with port WWN f are listed. The listing also displays FCP SCSI LUNs for unconfigured Fibre Channel devices. example# cfgadm Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Cond system:slot0 cpu/mem connected configured ok system:slot1 sbus-upa connected configured ok system:slot2 cpu/mem connected configured ok system:slot3 unknown connected unconfigured unknown system:slot4 dual-sbus connected configured failing system:slot5 cpu/mem connected configured ok system Missing: manual page.
PM. PM. Guys, I have created the following devices with 2 www.doorway.ruly, unix admin using SVM to configure these LUNs to expand meta [unix].. since they see 2 devices for each pseudo device, they are not sure how to configure them. The fp port driver plug-in /usr/lib/cfgadm/www.doorway.ru1 provides the functionality for Fibre Channel Fabric device node management through cfgadm(1M). cfgadm operates on attachment points. Attachment points are locations in the system where hardware resources can be dynamically reconfigured. Refer to cfgadm(1M) for additional details on attachment. Notice that cfgadm treats the USB-device device at ap_id usb0/ as a single unit, since it cannot currently control individual interfaces. Example 2: Listing the Status of a Port with No Device Plugged In.
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