The RC lets you set up customized real-time controls, extending your command of looping and many other operations. With the Version update, you can specify up to 16 different functions and access them in a variety of ways—with front-panel controls, an external expression pedal or footswitches, and/or various MIDI CC messages. Support - RC Owner's Manuals. GT Flagship amps and effects in a portable, easy-to-use package. OC The New Standard in Octave Pedals. Looper Boss RC Loop Station: images, 6 files to download, 6 videos, 6 audio file, 3 news items, 2 discussions in the forums, 2 user review(s), 2 classifieds, 1 editorial review and 1 offer5/5(2).
Register the RC Before you start setting up, the first thing you’ll need to do is register your BOSS RC using the BOSS serial number. After registering the RC, you’ll gain access to BOSS product support, an extended warranty, training videos, and clinic information. View and Download Boss RC owner's manual online. Loop Station. RC recording equipment pdf manual download. The RC is a loop station created by BOSS, first released in It is the standard device used in Loopstation battles. Its successor, the RCmkII, is set to be released during Q4 The device was first announced on April 4, at Musikmesse Version was released in June.
Zusammenschließen des RC mit externem MIDI-Equipment als erweiteres Live Performance-Setup. Genehmigung von BOSS CORPORATION. Type=MANUAL. BOSS RC MKII Loop Station Technical Specs · Number of Tracks: 5 · Data Format: WAV ( kHz, bit float, stereo) · Maximum Recording Time: Approx. hours. Gebruik de RC in combinatie met andere MIDI-apparatuur voor een nog toestemming van BOSS CORPORATION. Geeft de pan op wanneer Type = MANUAL.