IVT BlueSoleilTM 5.X User Manual IVT Corporation 4/F, Fazhan Plaza, NO. 12, Xinxi Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China Tel: +86 10 IVT BlueSoleil™ User Manual New features in BlueSoleil BlueSoleil version is ready now with even more exciting new features, multimedia profiles are added into BlueSoleil. They include: ♦ Headset With this feature, users can use Bluetooth Headset to listen to music, to record sound or to chat with others. IVT BlueSoleil™ User Manual Version: This document describes how to use IVT BlueSoleil™.
IVT BlueSoleilTM 5.X User Manual IVT Corporation 4/F, Fazhan Plaza, NO. 12, Xinxi Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China Tel: +86 10 Start BlueSoleil in Classic View on remote device. Then access BluetoothMy Device PropertiesServicesBluetooth Object PushPropertiesOptions. Specify the root folder for incoming files and also set a business card (*.vcf) as default outgoing vcf card of remote server, as shown below. IVT BlueSoleil™ User Manual BlueSoleil™ Main Window The BlueSoleil™ Main Window displays all surrounding Bluetooth devices. From the BlueSoleil™ Main Window users can search for surrounding Bluetooth devices and can execute connect/ disconnect functions. Remote Device Serivce Icon Local Device Icon Remote Device Figure BlueSoleil™.
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