This skill will temporarily replace Mentor: Drums when a Minstrel is in Scribe Stance. It will create a Manual of the Drums on a Blank Mentor Manual at the cost of increasing the cooldown to 10 days and shares a cooldown with all other Musical Mentoring skills. This skill will temporarily replace Mentor: Flute when a Minstrel is in Scribe Stance. It will create a Manual of the Flute on a Blank Mentor Manual at the cost of increasing the cooldown to 10 days and shares a cooldown with all other Musical Mentoring skills. In Scribe Stance these skills allow the Minstrel to create Instruction manuals for other players.; These manuals do not require the Minstrel and the trainee to be in proximity of each other, as Mentoring does. For example, Mentor: Horn becomes Scribe Manual: Horn, which allows you to create a Manual of the Horn. The cooldown also extends to 10 days.
Stance, you change your mentor skills into Scribe Manual skills, allowing you to create manuals to teach instruments. Scribing manuals is much more taxing than teaching a person, requires a blank mentor manual, and will apply a 10 day cool down to all mentor skills. There is a third option using mentoring manuals. However, the long cool down, high cost and the fact that they do not stack make these a less desirable method for active Minis. I do have a few blank manuals I can send out and I am willing to get a few more to have some on hand if we run short as a backup. If you want to mentor an alt or just create a mentoring sheet to place on the Auction House, then buy a blank sheet from a bard and go into Scribe Stance and click the skill you want to teach. This has a 10 day cooldown.
5 Okt "A blank manual, used for scribing mentoring lessons." Vendor's Price: Silver. Worth: Silver. filed,exists,nose,manual,wondering,wise,archives,attract,log,strike,refer ,obligations,listened,harsh,dutch,separation,daughters,blank,wells,autumn. Emma and Elise decided to make their own adaptation, using the LOTRO game to as a personal mentor and allow them to gain connections immediately and.