10/14 Potentially Preventable Readmissions Classification System Methodology Overview 7 Definitions This section contains the terms and definitions that are used for iden-tifying Potentially Preventable Readmissions. Readmission A readmission is a return hospitalization to an acute care hospital that follows a prior admission from an acute care hospital. 3M™ APR DRG Classification System Definitions Manuals The APR DRG Definitions Manual contains proprietary information and is only available to licensed 3M APR DRG customers. If you already license 3M APR DRG software you can access the ICD-9 and ICD definition manual for free on the 3M HIS Support website. Definitions Manuals. · ICDCM Diagnosis Codes Impact on Resource Use File - FY and FY MedPAR (ZIP) MS-DRG Definitions Manual and Software. FY – Version 39 (Effective October 1, through Septem) Definition of Medicare Code Edits V39 (ZIP).
The PPC classification system. 3M™ APR DRG Classification System Definitions Manuals. The APR DRG Definitions Manual contains proprietary information and is only available to licensed 3M APR DRG customers. If you already license 3M APR DRG software you can access the ICD-9 and ICD definition manual for free on the 3M HIS Support website. 3M™ APR DRG Classification System Definitions Manuals. The APR DRG Definitions. APR DRG. All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR DRGs) classify patients according to their reason for admission, severity of illness and risk of mortality. Admission APR DRG. An “admission” APR DRG is based on the principal diagnosis from the discharge abstract, but eliminates certain secondary diagnoses that are not considered present.
Jan 3M™ APR DRG Classification System Definitions Manuals. The APR DRG Definitions Manual contains proprietary information and is only available. A diagnosis-related group (DRG) is a patient classification system that employing a different methodology of calculating payment in outlier situations. Jun 3M™ All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (APR DRG). Classification System. Summary of Changes (Preview) for ICDCM/PCS.