Page 1 MICROWAVE CONVECTION/GRILL OVEN KOC-1B4K OWNER’S More Less Clock Language MANUAL Memory Cake Crusty Auto Cook GRILL COMBI CONVECTION AUTO DEFROST STOP/CLEAR START/ SPEEDY COOK Before operating this oven, please read these manual completely.; Page 2: Table Of Contents PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE . Kuwait Oil Company (K.S.C.) since The Kuwaiti Digest invites newspaper, magazine and trade journal editors to reprint or otherwise make use of articles or illustrations appearing in this issue. Material should be credited and a copy mailed to the Kuwait Oil Company. Editor-in-Chief DCEO (Administration Finance) Correspondence concerningMissing: manual. Diagramas y Manuales de Servicio para Descargar. Daewoo KORG1A, KORH1A, KORG1A KORH1A.
Instalujte a umÌstÏte spot¯ebiË pouze podle zde uveden˝ch pokyn˘ k instalaci. 5. NÏkterÈ potraviny, jako jsou vejce nebo konzervy, sklenice s uz·vÏrem, mohou p¯i oh¯evu vybouchnout, a proto by nemÏly b˝t vkl·d·ny do mikrovlnnÈ trouby. 6. PouûÌvejte tento spot¯ebiË pouze k ˙Ëel˘m, ke kter˝m je urËen. Daewoo Microwave Oven KOCT0S. daewoo MICROWAVE CONVECTION/GRILLOVEN OWNER'S MANUAL KOCT0S / KOCT5S KOCT5S. Service Manual. Microwave Oven. Model: KOC-1B4K0S. KOC-1B4K5S. Caution: In this Manual, some parts can be changed for improving, their performance without notice in the parts list. So, if you need the latest parts information, please refer to PPL(Parts Price List) in Service Information Center.
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