View and Download Piper Cub Trainer J3 service manual online. Service manual covering care and operation. Piper Cub Trainer J3 aircrafts pdf manual download. For the latest technical updates or manual corrections to the Piper J-3 Cub, visit the web site listed below and select the Great Planes Piper J-3 CubIf there is new technical information or changes to this kit a “tech notice” box will appear in the upper left corner of the page. 1 Instruction Manual Piper J-3 Cub Thank you for purchasing Phoenix Model products. With over 20 years experience in production and fly testing, Phoenix Model is committed to bring the best quality products and good service to customers.
OWNER'S MANUAL FOR THE J3C Every effort has been made by Wag-Aero to reproduce this manual as an accurate duplicate of the original publication by Piper Aircraft Corporation. Any and all references herein to Piper Aircraft Corporation or Piper are included to insure authenticity of the. The Piper J-3 Cub is an American light aircraft that was built between 19by Piper Aircraft. The aircraft has a simple, lightweight design which gives it good low-speed handling properties and short-field performance. Title: Piper J3-Cub Parts Manual Author: Illistrated in Acrobat by Will Ware Created Date: 7/4/ AM.
J-3 Cub BL. Instruction Manual. PKZ 6. 9. ParkZone® products are distributed exclusively by. Horizon Hobby, Inc. Fieldstone Road. INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Requires: 80cc gasoline engine,. 4-channel radio w/ 6 high torque servos. Specifications. Wing Span in / mm. Instruction Manual. Piper J-3 Cub. Thank you for purchasing Phoenix Model products. With over 20 years experience in production and fly testing.