SOMANETICS INVOS C (K) PREMARKET NOTIFICATION Conclusion Drawn from the Testing: .. The conclusion drawn from the testing is the INVOS System can File Size: KB. The INVOS™ system provides a continuous non-invasive measurement of cerebral oxygen saturation and a reliable indication of changes in cerebral perfusion. The INVOS™ system provides real-time monitoring of changes in regional oxygen saturation (rSO 2) of blood in the brain or other body tissues beneath the sensor for effective oxygen monitoring in adults. INVOS Monitor Serial Number: Preamplifier A, Channel 1 and 2, Serial Number: Preamplifier B, Channel 3 and 4, Serial Number: , Rev. D $PWJEJFO MMD t.
INVOS C 無侵襲混合血酸素飽和度監視装置 INVOSC 取扱説明書 Operat i o n s Ma n ua l 無侵襲混合血酸素飽和度監視装置 INVOSC の記号が装置に表示されている場合は必ず取扱説明書を参照してください。. 作動させる前に、本 取扱説明書の内容を充分に理解し. SOMANETICS INVOS B (K) PREMARKET NC 'IFICATION Substantial Equivalence: The INVOS 51 OOB is substantially equivalent to the INVOS (KOO ) in that the method of measurement, electronics, packaging and physical configuration are identical but the indications for use are expanded. the invos system before turning on the monitor. or, the usb flash drive can be connected anytime, provided the invos monitor is re-booted to initialize the usb flash drive by pressing the on/off key. if removed during a case, the original somanetics usb flash drive can be re-inserted to continue data collection of the.
V Series Operating Instructions. Mindray® is a registered trademark of Somanetics® and INVOS® are registered trademarks of Covidien. Property of a Covidien company. Duplication of this manual is prohibited without written authorization from Covidien. Somanetics, INVOS, SomaSensor. balance and the parameter used by the INVOS™ cerebral/ Dr. Edmonds received compensation from Covidien LP, a Medtronic.